the C I V I T A S papers
Monday, March 13, 2006
Volokh loses voice of balance

In the wake of my announcement yesterday about MyDD, I learn that Orin Kerr (GW prawf) is starting his own blog. While his post on Volokh explicitly states that he will not cease his posting on Volokh completely, I am concerned. Over the past several months (especially in the days following Hurricane Katrina), the contributors and their posts have taken a noticeable turn to a certain realm of the Right. I do not automatically find all bloggers on the Right to be uninteresting or grating; at least I try to give them a chance. However, the addition or increased post-frequency of contributors such as David Kopel and David Bernstein has resulted in a discourse of little interest to a reader like me (Note: I revised this sentence several times...suffice to say the word ignorant was removed). Indeed, at times the posts bordered on the insane (especially in discussions relating to gun rights).

During these times, it was Prof. Kerr (rather than the Conspiracy's namesake, Eugene) who stepped in to provide at least the appearance of balance and inject reason into an otherwise irrational discussion. In recent weeks, I have resigned my reading of Volokh to scanning down the page for a post by Prof. Kerr. In a few weeks I may find even those few seconds spent at Volokh to be a waste.

Related coverage:

  • Matt Bodie at PrawfsBlawg discusses what Prof. Kerr's move says about the
  • AmbImb drops a link to Prof. Kerr's new site in lamenting the passing of spring break.

  • At ConcurringOpinions, Daniel Solove has this take (and plug for his academic battle with Prof. Kerr over the Fourth Amendment).

  • - posted by C @ 8:25:00 PM

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