the C I V I T A S papers
Sunday, March 12, 2006

I've removed my bookmark to MyDD. I just can't take "it" anymore. For weeks (if not months), I have simply been clicking past it in my auto-tabbed collection of blogs. Over the past year, the site has trended further and further from reality and/or educated/informed discussion.

While there are any number of boneheaded/self-righteous posts, comments, etc. I could point to as reason alone, I think Stu Rothenberg's opening sentence in this statement sums it up. The internet is a powerful tool. The internet gives ordinary people the chance at equality with the knowledgeable and experienced. The internet can assist in the creation or furtherance of dynamic political action. However, its power can be hijacked by those who may not fully understand those concepts individually -- dynamism, politics, action -- or as a whole.

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