the C I V I T A S papers
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Constitutionality of breathalyzer

Via DCist: NBC4 in D.C. is reporting that a Virginia judge is dismissing DUI cases because he believes that the law places the burden of proof on the accused.

Maybe someone will call into question the unconstitutional activity which occurs at sobriety checkpoints.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Lois Herr

A name-drop at MyDD for local persona Lois Herr in a post about Democratic challengers' chances throughout the country:

One of the candidates who appeared at our local Philadelphia area consolidated Meetup last week was Lois Herr, a former Dean activist who is running in the PA-16. PA-16 is a very safe Republican seat, comparable to OH-02, but with our growing local grassroots and Project 90 on our side, I promise that she is going to make a good race out of it in 2006. Efforts such as these, which have been extensively discussed on MyDD and other blogs over the past few months (though especially over the past week in the post-Hackett era), are now starting to receive some national attention.

- posted by C @ 5:38:00 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005
ACLU = criminal?

Eugene Volokh has a series of posts on the ire directed toward the ACLU.  Prof. Volokh provides a clear and concise deconstruction of the most heinous attacks on the ACLU from a practical and constitutional perspective.  A must-read for those who detest the ACLU.

Energy bill

Thomas L. Friedman writes on the just-passed energy bill. 

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