I have recently added Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish to my blog-reading (see post to-come). While he is a conservative (self-described), I thoroughly enjoy his blog for its (1) concise posts, (2) open-mindedness in content and linking, and (3) his principled disapproval of the Bush-style conservativism (C.I.N.A.F.P.P.O: Conservative In Name And For Political Purposes Only) and its inherent inconsistencies. He, of course, disapproves because their efforts have hijacked his ideology and/or political philosophy for their short-term political gain. But, I also sense a citizen's indignation in his tone. It's not just about betrayal of conservatism; AS seems to be offended from the standpoint as a citizen as well. Cheers!
I started to link to a few posts to illustrate my growing enjoyment of AS's contributions, but I realized that I had too many too suggest. Read 'em all.