the C I V I T A S papers
Friday, June 24, 2005
To the streets!

Apparently, President Bush's strategy of "discussing" Social Security reform with "the people" hit a bit of a roadblock today.

The WaPo reports...

Angry at the fact that the "town hall-style meeting" didn't include "the townsfolk" but instead was invitation-only (there go the Big Tent-ers again), about 400 protesters temporarily blocked traffic, pounded drums, and shouted.

From the article:

Trent Duffy, a White House spokesman, said blocks of tickets were distributed to several nonprofit organizations, including Young America's Foundation, which selected the individuals who received them. The event was organized by the National Retirement Planning Coalition, a financial industry and advocacy group...

Duffy said he did not know if any of those invited were county residents. "Once we give the tickets to the organizations, the White House doesn't ask for residency information," he said.

No...because that would be almost as bad as asking for pledge cards.
- posted by C @ 3:34:00 PM

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